Scary accurate background color detection.Make sure hash is removed from the url.Added detection of Showtimes-pages, like.Added workaround for GM_xmlhttpRequest issue with Firefox 32 ( ).
Added workaround for incorrect links on Autumn Blood's trailer page ( ).Dropped support for Scriptish due to GM_xmlhttpRequest bugs, please use GreaseMonkey instead.Added support for the new Backbone based trailer pages.Now you can actually download the trailers from the new Backbone based trailer pages (thank you metsallica for reporting this issue).Improved Showtimes-pages detection ( example).Now uses the more up-to-date page feeds to determine the trailer list (solves missing Transformers - Big Game Teaser).This feature is not supported in all script engines. You can copy the direct links to the movie files to the clipboard by right-clicking on one of the format headers (480p, 720p or 1080p). If you'd rather open 480p/720p by default, change the settings by clicking on the side panel title or the GreaseMonkey/Tampermonkey menu item. NotesĬredits go to JC2k8, zatic and mirzmaster. Without this user agent string clicking on any link provided by this script will have no effect apart from redirecting you to Apple's trailer page. You will need something like UAControl to set the user agent string so that you can actually download the trailer. It uses the titles and order designated by Apple for the links. This script creates a nice looking, fixed container at the bottom-right corner of the window, with direct links to the Apple trailers in 480p, 720p and 1080p resolution.